Home Page

EC 2

Welcome to EC2!

We are a mixed-age class of Key Stage 2 children from Years 3-6 and are based at the Ebrington site.

The first rule of our class is: Have fun and often bring your smile! 😊

Our teacher is Miss Jarrett and she likes quite a lot of things including horses, movies, pizza and Harry Potter! On this page you will find lots of useful information such as our class routines, a yearly overview of what we are learning and some helpful resources and weblinks to help at home. If you can think of any ideas for our page, please let Miss Jarrett know!


Our Class Routines

On Mondays we have P.E. with Miss Jarrett. Please come to school dressed in your PE kits for the day.
On Tuesday afternoons we are taught by Mr. Carta. He will be teaching us French and Computing.


Homework will be given out on Fridays to be returned by the following Wednesday. Spellings will also be given out on Fridays and tested on the Friday of the following week. Each child has a Homework Diary in which they can keep a record of their daily reading; this will be checked weekly so please make sure you keep a log of what you have read!



Summer Term 2021 - The 'BIG' Question: What if we ran out of water?


Have you ever wondered where water comes from? Why does it fall from the skies as rain? How does rain even get up there? What would happen if we turned on our taps and no water came out? What would we be able to drink? Would we even be able to survive?


Our BIG Question this term has already ignited lots of other questions in our minds. From studying States of Matter in our Science lessons and learning about the water cycle through Geography, to considering how industrial revolution helped us utilise waterways for transport and commerce, we'll be finding out just how important water is to our everyday lives and why we shouldn't be taking it for granted.

Please see our Yearly overview in the Useful Documents section to find out more information about what we're learning this Summer Term.

  • St James' & Ebrington C. of E. Primary School
  • Pear Tree Close, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire,
  • GL55 6DB
  • Ebrington Site
  • Hidcote Road, Ebrington,
  • Gloucestershire, GL55 6NQ
  • 01386 840634