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Hey Y4 Home-Schoolers! :-)


Just to say - there is some new work on the 'Star' Year group pages up above, along with some maths fluency, grammar, comprehension and maths (which is linked to the white rose videos for week 10).


It's been fantastic welcoming so many children back into school - the 'new normal' is actually quite fun - but very busy!  So apologies that it's taken until today to get this week's work onto the page.  Well done though, for keeping up with it all, and producing some excellent work to boot!  I am still more than happy to look at your pictures and to have a 'gander' at some of the work you've been doing.


Missing you all lots, and looking forward to seeing you again in September (in our new year groups...eek!)

Keep in touch!


Mrs Ellison

Alice would like to share her fantastic power point presentation about the deer at her farm and deer park! Enjoy!

Have a look at Annabelle's FANTASTIC project on the history of Chipping Campden! Well done Annabelle! :-)

It's Half Term!

Well here we are - it's half term in lockdown!  I can't believe how quickly this half term has gone!  It hasn't stopped you lovely lot from working hard and producing some fantastic work - WOW!  I am blown away by the creativity shown when given a simple idea for a task.  It really does make my day to see what you've been up to, with photos or even just an email.


So below I have put a sample of some of the work you've sent me.  If you've done something amazing and haven't yet shown me, please do send it on and I will happily add it into the slideshow.


Have a fantastic, relaxing half- term and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having at the moment!  Please stay in touch - I will be looking at my emails still!

Week Beginning 18.5.20

Well - I hope you've all had a lovely weekend?  It was nice to see the sunshine, although I haven't been able to spend much time outside!  Very soon, my family and I will be moving house!  I am very excited, but my goodness - it's a lot of hard work, packing and getting everything ready!  I hope you've all enjoyed a bit of a break and are now looking forward to a bit more home-school?  One more week and it will be half term! :-) Keep can do it!  Just remember how proud we all are of you. 

Keep in touch - send me your pictures and your work - let me know what you've been up to!


** Don't forget, resources for the topic will be further down the page on last week's documents.  Don't forget to shout if you need anything! **



  • Times tables: carry on practising the times table you are currently learning.  Make sure you use TT Rockstars to practise each day and also the MTC on UR Brainy.
  • Maths Fluency grid 7 (download below). 
  • Follow the links to access White Rose Maths lessons with excellent video tutorials.  You will need to print off the worksheets, or write the answers in your books without printing the sheet.  I have downloaded the worksheets below. There are answers too so you can mark your work (these are on the website).

- Year 3:

- Year 4:


You will need to click on Summer Term Week 3 (You need to scroll to the bottom of the page to find the link).

  • If the White Rose is problematic at all, don’t worry.  Try the *BBC Bitesize maths lessons.  These are on topics we have already covered and are also well presented with videos and worksheets.


  • Reading comprehension – Listen to Varjak Paw (Chapter 3) on our You Tube Channel (I will send the link in an email!).  This week’s questions are based on Chapter 4 – the text is included for you to read.  I will upload a new video for Chapter 4 in the week so you can follow along.  I have created a separate sheet for children to write their answers on so you only need to print one sheet!  Answers will be on the power point.
  • I've included an additional comprehension task this week - based on the Gunpowder Plot.
  • Read every day – preferably with an adult!
  • Complete one reading task off your choice grid.  Make sure it’s not one you’ve done before!
  • Go to the BBC Bitesize site* on FRIDAY and have a go at the reading lesson for Year 3 or Year 4.  Don’t forget, if any of the lessons are too tricky, you can always try the year group below!


Talk for Writing Booklets (second set)

Year 3 – Stone Trolls - Story writing.

Year 4 – Aliens- Non-fiction

Finish your writing tasks started last week!  Don’t forget to send me your finished writing! 😊

Grammar and spelling

  • I have included a spelling booklet to be used over the next couple of weeks.  This week you will need to do pg.13-15 (including answers) which focusses on words spelled with the letter pattern: ‘qu’. 
  • Grammar Fluency grid – one column each day (download below).  I have included some help with the grammar terms this week which is on the same help sheet as the maths.  Please shout if any problems!
  • Go to the *BBC Bitesize daily lessons.  Try to do at least one of the grammar lessons each week.

Other Subjects

  • Please continue with our Local History topic. There is a choice grid – hopefully you’ve been following the sessions in order – but not to worry if not. 
  • Here is the link to a booklet about the rein of the Stuart Monarchs which is produced by English Heritage.  It’s got lots of fun, cartoon explanations about that period of history including the Civil War, plus some fun activities:
  • Extension task: If you’ve finished the local history and fancy something more, how about creating a power point or project about The Stuart Kings using the booklet as a starting point?
  • Science – I have included a sheet of 4, fun science activities you can do at home with store cupboard resources.  I hope you enjoy!


Week Beginning 11.5.20


Where does time go?  Here we are again - a new week, and a new set of learning resources!  I hope you all had a lovely long bank holiday weekend - did any of you manage a 'socially distanced' street party?  It was very quiet where I live, but I enjoyed a relaxing day watching it all happen on TV and eating scones while sipping tea in the sunny garden!


The topic for the next 2 weeks is based on the history of Chipping Campden - so I imagine some of you know more about this than me!  I have spent a lot of time researching on the internet and have found out so many interesting things!  Next time you are out and about as part of your daily exercise, perhaps you could have a look around you and see what 'history' you can spot?  Remember, good historians are always looking for evidence to support their ideas about the past!


I will also be sending out an email with the link to story time part 2 - Varjak Paw.  The Vipers questions are here on the website for you to download and have a go at answering!


So, have a lovely week - I look forward to hearing from you very soon.  Don't forget our email address:


Take care - stay safe - have fun! :-)



  • Times tables: carry on practising the times table you are currently learning.  Make sure you use TT Rockstars to practise each day and also the MTC on UR Brainy.
  • Maths Fluency grid 6 (download below).  I have included a help sheet which you can download below to help with some of the trickier questions!  Please do ask if any of the questions are causing any difficulty!
  • Follow the links to access White Rose Maths lessons with excellent video tutorials.  You will need to print off the worksheets, or write the answers in your books without printing the sheet.  I have downloaded the worksheets below. There are answers too so you can mark your work (these are on the website).

- Year 3:

- Year 4:


You will need to click on Summer Term Week 2 (You need to scroll to the bottom of the page to find the link).

  • If the White Rose is problematic at all, don’t worry.  Try the *BBC Bitesize maths lessons.  These are on topics we have already covered and are also well presented with videos and worksheets.


  • Reading comprehension – Listen to Varjak Paw (Chapter 2), then complete the VIPERS comprehension questions.  I have created a separate sheet for children to write their answers on so you only need to print one sheet!  Answers will be on the power point.
  • Read every day – preferably with an adult!
  • Complete one reading task off your choice grid.  Make sure it’s not one you’ve done before!
  • Go to the BBC Bitesize site* on FRIDAY and have a go at the reading lesson for Year 3 or Year 4.  Don’t forget, if any of the lessons are too tricky, you can always try the year group below!


Talk for Writing Booklets (second set)

Year 3 – Stone Trolls - Story writing.

Year 4 – Aliens- Non-fiction

These booklets can last for 2 weeks.

Grammar and spelling

  • I have included a spelling booklet to be used over the next couple of weeks.  This week you will need to do pg.7-12 (including answers) which focusses on common exception words.  The card game is a ‘find the pairs’ game: turn the cards over and pick 2 up.  When you’ve found a pair, spell the word without looking to keep them.
  • Grammar Fluency grid – one column each day (download below).  I have included some help with the grammar terms this week which is on the same help sheet as the maths.  Please shout if any problems!
  • Go to the *BBC Bitesize daily lessons.  Try to do at least one of the grammar lessons each week.

Other Subjects

  • Our topic for the next 2 weeks is Local History.  There is a choice grid – however, I would recommend following the activities in order if possible.
  • Most resources are available below to download, but some of them are on the topic grid power point itself.

*This is the link you will need for some of the lessons



As it's VE Day on Friday, and that is our topic for the week, I thought I'd make this space to add any exciting work you've been doing, or great websites or ideas for things you can do.  So please do let me know of anything you'd like to share, including pictures of the things you've been doing at home!


I'll start with a link to the bbc schools website which has 10 audio book episodes of one of my favourite books set during the war.  It's called Carrie's War and when I've read it to my classes before, they've absolutely loved it.  So although we're not together for me to share it with you, this is the next best thing!


The link is:

I hope you enjoy it as much as me!

Week beginning 4.5.20


Well, here we are - the beginning of a new week!  And so the lockdown continues - but we are much more used to it now, and I am so impressed and proud of everything you are all doing.  Strange has become the new 'normal'! :-D


So here is the work for this week.  I'm sure it hasn't escaped your notice that Friday is a bank holiday in celebration of VE day - a truly important historical event in the midst of the historical event in the making that we are living through ourselves.  So this week has been dedicated to all those men and women who fought for our freedom in World War 2.  It is a fascinating topic which I love, and I'm sure you will enjoy.  See the table below for a breakdown of learning for this week.  The main event though is the topic - I'd love you to have fun preparing for a VE day celebration of your own (see the topic grid!).  I am really looking forward to seeing photos of any celebrating that you decide to do - or hearing all about things that you've learned or enjoyed during the topic.


Please see your emails for a link to the Varjak Paw chapter that we are doing for reading comprehension this week.  I have bitten the bullet, and recorded myself reading Chapter 1 aloud for you to listen to.  The email contains a link which you can follow to see the video.


Missing you all lots - but it is so lovely to hear all that you are doing to stay safe and well with your families - and all the fun you are having with your learning!


Don't forget to email if you need anything -


Week Beginning 4.5.20


  • Times tables: carry on practising the times table you are currently learning.  Make sure you use TT Rockstars to practise each day and also the MTC on UR Brainy.
  • Maths Fluency grid 5 (download below)
  • Follow the links to access White Rose Maths lessons with excellent video tutorials.  You will need to print off the worksheets, or write the answers in your books without printing the sheet.  I have downloaded the worksheets below. There are answers too so you can mark your work (these are on the website).

- Year 3:

- Year 4:


You will need to click on Summer Term Week 1 (You need to scroll to the bottom of the page to find the link).

  • If the White Rose is problematic at all, don’t worry.  Try the *BBC Bitesize maths lessons.  These are on topics we have already covered and are also well presented with videos and worksheets.


  • Reading comprehension – Listen to Varjak Paw (Chapter 1), then complete the VIPERS comprehension questions.  There are 3 extracts and 3 sets of questions.  Do as many as you can – each set of questions gets slightly harder.
  • Read every day – preferably with an adult!
  • Complete one reading task off your choice grid.  Make sure it’s not one you’ve done before!
  • Go to the BBC Bitesize site* on FRIDAY and have a go at the reading lesson for Year 3 or Year 4.  Don’t forget, if any of the lessons are too tricky, you can always try the year group below!


This week, I have included a picture stimulus task called ‘Thank You’.  The instructions are on the sheet.  It includes some discussion questions to talk through first, a ‘Sick Sentences’ activity – can you improve the boring sentences? And finally a free writing task: a story involving the ‘thank you’ in the picture.

Grammar and spelling

  • I have included a spelling booklet to be used over the next couple of weeks.  This week you will need to do pg.2-6 (including answers) which focusses on homophones.
  • Grammar Fluency grid – one column each day (download below).
  • Go to the *BBC Bitesize daily lessons.  Try to do at least one of the grammar lessons each week.

Other Subjects

  • Our topic this week is World War 2 – building up a basic knowledge in preparation for VE Day which is the Friday Bank Holiday this week!  You will find a choice mat in the documents with lots of activities that you can choose to do.
  • Here is a link to a brilliant little film about World War 2 with a really clear and simple explanation about why the War happened and how it developed.  It puts the war in context on a time line of topics which the children study in school.  I definitely recommend a watch before beginning the tasks.  There is a task sheet you can download to go with the video if you’d like to as well.  The link is
  • If you don’t want to watch the video or can’t, there is a power point which I have added to the documents, and a discussion sheet which you could do together before starting on the task sheet.

*This is the link you will need for some of the lessons


Pyjamarama Friday!!


Did you know, Friday 1st May is Pyjamarama Friday.  It is a reading for pleasure venture from the BookTrust. The idea is to spend the day in pyjamas, reading and taking part in reading activities, then finishing with a bedtime story.  Sounds like my kind of Friday!


I have added some activities below that you might enjoy.  So - enjoy Pyjamarama, and don't forget to send me some pictures!


Week Beginning 27.4.20

Hello!  I hope you are all back in the swing of this strange 'home-school' business!  It can be a bit tricky to get going, but if you're managing to do a bit each day - then you're doing great! 

Some of you have sent me some fantastic pictures of your work and it brings a big smile to my day to see how much FUN you are having with your learning!  Please send me an email to let me know how you're getting on, if you need any help or just want to chat!  I'd love to see some pictures of your work. 

I will add a picture update at the end of this week - hopefully including some of your writing you've been doing, or some of the creative projects linked with our topic on land use!


So here is your schedule for the week.  Remember - daily tasks are reading, spelling practise, handwriting, fluency grids and spag grids.  Try to log onto White Rose website and complete the lessons for the week - we are on week 2 (NOT Summer Term week 2).  Then use the week to complete the writing booklet and complete tasks from the topic grid.  There will be a new topic grid next week for a different watch this space!


Hope you are all ok - keeping safe and being GOOD! Missing you all - Mrs Ellison



  • Times tables: carry on practising the times table you are currently learning.  Make sure you use TT Rockstars to practise each day and also the MTC on UR Brainy.
  • Maths Fluency grid 4 (download below)
  • Follow the links to access White Rose Maths lessons with excellent video tutorials.  You will need to print off the worksheets, or write the answers in your books without printing the sheet.  There are answers too so you can mark your work.

- Year 3:

- Year 4:


You will need to click on Week 2 (NOT Summer Term week 1!).  Otherwise, learning will be out of sequence and may be too tricky!


  • If the White Rose is problematic at all, don’t worry.  Try the *BBC Bitesize maths lessons.  These are on topics we have already covered and are also well presented with videos and worksheets.


  • Read every day – preferably with an adult!
  • Complete one reading task off your choice grid.  Make sure it’s not one you’ve done before!
  • Reading comprehension – then mark your answers.
  • Go to the BBC Bitesize site* on FRIDAY and have a go at the reading lesson for Year 3 or Year 4.  Don’t forget, if any of the lessons are too tricky, you can always try the year group below!


  • Aim to complete the writing task from the Talk for Writing booklets.

- Year 3: Trolls

- Year 4: King Fish

*Don’t forget to send me your finished writing to read!

Grammar and spelling

  • Grammar Fluency grid – one column each day (download below).
  • I have included a spelling game for you to print off and play.  Let me know what you think!
  • Go to the *BBC Bitesize daily lessons.  Try to do at least one of the grammar lessons each week.

Other Subjects

  • Land use: please complete any activities from last week’s choice grid.
  • Extra lessons are included below.  There is a power point explaining land use and how it changes over time.  Watch the videos that the power point links you to, then complete the worksheet to record changes in land use over time.
  • There is a worksheet which includes pictures from a wonderful book called ‘Window’ by Jeannie Baker.  The pictures show the changes in a view from a window over a period of time.  The sheet gives you space to write about what you have noticed.  There are 3 different levels, so print off the page that matches the level of challenge for you.
  • Finally, I have included a power point about a fabulous artist called Andy Goldsworthy who creates amazing art from the land.  There is a work sheet and some challenge cards to give you ideas so that you can create your own natural art work.  Please do sent in pictures of the art that you create!

*This is the link you will need for some of the lessons


Here is a link to a brilliant Geography resource which you might like to explore as part of our Land Use topic.  You will need to use the school username and password.

Username: GL556DB
Password: moaxed2530

Week Beginning 20.4.20


Hello everyone!


I hope you've all had a wonderful Easter break.    It's been lovely looking through all your pictures and seeing all the wonderful things that you've been up to.  There's certainly been a lot of creativity which has been great to see.


So here we are with the first week of the Summer Term and we are still having to complete our learning tasks at home!  I have put the things you will need below and a summary of everything to try and cover for the next week (possibly 2 weeks for some things).  Next week, there will be new fluency grids and comprehensions etc, but the topic work and the English booklets should last about 2 weeks (I would say, spend no more than an hour each day on these).  Don't forget, keep up with your handwriting practise, reading, tables and spelling.  Use the resources sent out in your learning packs at the beginning of the Lockdown to support you.


For maths, (and some of the English and topic work), I have linked to websites which have brilliant resources to help you.  You will need to watch the videos or play the games before you have a go at the work sheets.  On the White Rose website, you will also need to download the worksheet from the website (the answers are on there too).


I hope it is all self-explanatory, but if you have any problems, please email me at  I will be logged on every day in the week so will be able to respond quickly.  I'd also love it if you could email me at the end of the week to let me know what you've completed and how you've got along.


Looking forward to hearning from you soon - safe safe and have fun!




  • Times tables: carry on practising the times table you are currently learning.  Make sure you use TT Rockstars to practise each day and also the MTC on UR Brainy.
  • Maths Fluency grids (see documents)
  • Follow the links to access White Rose Maths lessons with excellent video tutorials.  You will need to print off the worksheets, or write the answers in your books without printing the sheet.  There are answers too so you can mark your work.

- Year 3:

- Year 4:


You will need to click on Week 1 (NOT Summer Term week 1!).  Otherwise, learning will be out of sequence and may be too tricky!


  • If the White Rose is problematic at all, don’t worry.  Try the *BBC Bitesize maths lessons.  These are on topics we have already covered and are also well presented with videos and worksheets.


  • Read every day – preferably with an adult!
  • Complete one reading task off your choice grid (from your original learning pack).  Make sure it’s not one you’ve done before!
  • Reading comprehension – then mark your answers: Y3 The Bluebird's Song/ Y4: My Shadow
  • Go to the BBC Bitesize site* on FRIDAY and have a go at the reading lesson for Year 3 or Year 4.  Don’t forget, if any of the lessons are too tricky, you can always try the year group below! This week’s lesson is poetry: Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg (a brilliant book of poems! 😊)


  • Have a go with the Talk for Writing booklet on the class page:

- Year 3: Trolls

- Year 4: King of the Fishes

*Don’t forget to send me your finished writing to read!


  • Grammar Fluency grid – one column each day (see documents below).
  • Go to the *BBC Bitesize daily lessons.  Try to do at least one of the grammar lessons each week:

- Y3: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs

- Y4: when to use pronouns, extended noun phrases, past tense verbs, adverbs and adverbial phrases

Other Subjects

  • Land use: (see the document below) Please read the information about Land Use and then answer the questions.  You can print and answer questions on the sheet, or just write the answers in your book.
  • Land use topic grid: (see the document below) please choose an activity from the grid to complete as a mini project (supporting sheets are in the documents below).
  • Use the *BBC Bitesize website.  There is History, Geography, Science, Music and PSHE to access.  The Geography lessons for Y3 and Y4 would be perfect to completement our Land Use topic for this week.

*This is the link you will need for some of the lessons

Absolutely fantastic podcast style radio shows with blogging links so that you can share your writing with the world!  Highly recommended!

Brilliant activities for learning about France and the French language.  Very cross-curricular including art and craft activities, even gardening!  Lots to enjoy.

Look at all the fabulous things happening!



Well we made it to Easter!  Well done everyone - we survived and have managed to keep on going with our learning - which is fantastic!  I hope you are all feeling well and keeping safe?


Reading fun!

I have signed our class up to a website called Epic which has some fantastic ebooks and audio books for free.  If you email me (, I can send you a link so you can use it as much as you want!


Also, if (like me) you love an audio book, amazon audible are doing free children's audio books at the moment, and you can listen online.  Check it out using this link:


I am going to add some activity booklets that you can use in the coming weeks of the Easter holiday IF  YOU'D LIKE TO!  There is a lovely Easter Bingo choice mat with loads of fun projects.  I'd love to see who can complete the most bingo activities - perhaps we could have a competition?  There is also a booklet of maths activities and English too - with all the answers in a separate booklet so you can mark them afterwards!


Don't forget to keep emailing - I will be checking my emails over the next 2 weeks, so please get in touch!

Stay safe, keep well - have FUN! :-)


Thursday 2nd April


Wow!  Where did this week go? 


I must admit, I've been very busy this week as lots of you are sending me your work via email - which is AMAZING!  :-) I am loving looking at the things you've been doing and hearing all about the memories you've been making during these strange times!  If you haven't emailed me yet - please do.  I have TT Rockstar logins still to give out and like I say, it's so great to hear that you are ok.  The email address is


In between looking at your work, I've been trying to gather things together to make suggestions on here for you to access.  If you've found anything brilliant that we could share with everyone, let me know and I'll put it up on this page,


Here's a few I've found: - there's lots of clips and games on here.  It also looks like they are going to make home learning 'packs' in the future which is definitely going to be useful! - I thought this looked interesting for anyone wanting to develop another language.  I think some of it is a paid resource, but there are some free things on there as well. - there are live lessons on reading and writing on here which look quite good. - this looks a fab resource for health and wellbeing.  They are putting new learning mats on each week.  I will download some of these to put into our weekly lessons for after Easter. - really good science things you can do at home on this site! - I love singing and we have some amazing singers at St James & Ebrington!  This link will get you singing and making music - fantastic and free!


That's it for now.  I will start putting up new fluency sheets etc later today and you can download one each week if you want to.  From Monday after the Easter break, I will be sending out a list of things I'd like you to do that week (like I gave you in your lesson pack.)


Take care - stay safe - have fun!







Monday 30th March


Good morning everyone!  I hope you've all had a lovely weekend - even if it has been at home!

Below you will see that I've put the answers for the reading comprehension so you can check your progress!  Perhaps you could 'red pen' any answers that need improving!


Thank you so much to everyone who sent me an email - it's wonderful to see all the fantastic work you're doing!  If you've not managed to send me an email yet, it would be great to hear from you.  I also have your TT Rockstar log ins to give you and I know you'll enjoy playing and learning your times tables at the same time!


Take care for now - watch this space for more additions!

Mrs Ellison smiley

Here are a few other great websites to have a look at:    - loads of fab activities including science experiments  - There are some brilliant lessons here with a video to explain the maths, and then some questions so you can have a go.  It follows a similar approach to the one we use in class.  The current lessons are on fractions which would have been our next topic.   - free audio stories from the every-popular world of David Walliams!  Definitely worth a listen!


Have fun!







Wednesday 25th March

Good morning!  We have survived 2 whole days of home schooling!  How is it going?  Don't forget to email me on our class email:


I am keen to hear from you all and to find out how you are getting along.

Today, I am going to add some times tables tests as we do in class.  I will put a test on for each of the tables, then you can test yourself on whichever one you are currently working on.  Don't forget Y4 - do the MTC practice on the URBrainy website.  I'll add a link for that as well:


I have set up a log in for each of you to access Times Tables Rock Stars which is a fantastic and fun website to help you with those massively important times tables.  You will however need to email me to get your login!

Here's the link:


That's it for now.  Don't forget to do your fluency grids, spag grids, handwriting, tables and reading each day - then choose a topic project, science question or comprehension.  Please let me know how you're doing and send me pictures of your work!  The class email is:


More coming soon - keep busy and safe - Mrs Ellison :-)



Sketch book activities

Tuesday 24th March

Good morning everyone!  Well this morning, we had a go at Joe Wicks' online PE lessons.  I highly recommend it.  You've probably already seen it, but here's a link just in case.  We all feel much more optimistic and full of energy!


Also, I am going to put on here a nice list of suggested activities to develop sketch book skills in art for Year 3 and 4.  You could have a go at one or two of these - I was planning on setting up sketch books next term so this will give you a good start (plus I know how much most of you love your art lessons!) :-)


I hope you are all keeping busy, but most of all safe!

Hello everyone!  Welcome to our virtual classroom!  As you know, you have your learning packs at home with things to keep you going over the next couple of weeks.  As promised, I have set up a class email account so that you can contact me with any problems, or even better, to show me some of the fantastic things you've been doing during your home learning!


So here is the address that you will need to use:


Check into the website each day - I will be putting things on the site for you to do so that we can keep on top of our learning.  Try to do the basics each day:

  • Maths and English fluency grids,
  • Reading and a task to go with it, 
  • Times tables and spelling practice. 
  • Also, don't forget Mathletics! 
  • Then maybe spend an hour on your topic - choose from the sheet I gave you initially, but I will put some other things up on here as well as time goes on.  Or, you could choose to do your comprehension (1 each week) or write a Stone Age story.  


I will upload the Year 3/4 and Y5/6 spelling lists today so that you have them for spelling practise.  It's a new thing for me - so bear with me! :-) 


Make sure you get plenty of fresh air and look after yourselves.  Email me on the above address if you have any problem.


Mrs Ellison :-) 

16:20 - 26/09/2019 Malvern Trip: 

WOW! What a fantastic day. The children are still brimming with enthusiasm after an action packed day. They have just stopped for a full roast dinner and now heading out for a nighttime walk on the hills. Think the children will be looking forward to their beds tonight. 



08.20 - 26/09/2019 Malvern Trip:

They had a fantastic night - the boys were stars and even needed waking up in the morning! A hearty breakfast had, lunches made, a nerve racking dorm inspection completed and now they are already out doing activities!


17:30 - 25/09/2019 Malvern Trip:

Just arrived back to the Malvern site from a walk up the Beacon. They all had a great time, but are ready for their dinner. Pizza tonight- yum yum! 


13:30 - 25/09/19 Malvern Trip:


The Year Fours have arrived safely and are super excited about being there! They are settling down to lunch and then will be getting straight into the activities. 






A big welcome!


Welcome to our Year 3/4 class page where you will be able to keep track of our learning throughout the year. 


We've spent the last couple of weeks settling into a newly organised classroom with a brand new teacher and a fantastic new topic!  Based around the school theme of 'Water', we have started to look at the countries of Scandinavia and have already learned lots of geographical vocabulary including words such as 'peninsula', 'biome' and 'tundra'.  The children have carried out some research and created some fab postcards from the different biomes found in Scandinavia.  Watch this space for photos!


We've got stuck into some imaginative diary writing too - starting with a great picture book called 'Dear Teacher' by Amy Husband.  Our character (Michael) goes on lots of imagined adventures to avoid starting back to school in September.  The children have converted Michael's adventures into dairy recounts and are currently in the process of writing their own.  Once again - watch this space!  It should make for some entertaining reading!


Year 4 are off on their residential trip to Malvern next week.  We are all very excited - me included -  and we'll have lots of real life adventures to tell you about when we get back.

Arrival at Malvern

Harvest Art

  • St James' & Ebrington C. of E. Primary School
  • Pear Tree Close, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire,
  • GL55 6DB
  • Ebrington Site
  • Hidcote Road, Ebrington,
  • Gloucestershire, GL55 6NQ
  • 01386 840634