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JC 4/5

Summer Term


I can't believe we are into our third week, of our final term already!  Time seems to have flown by!  The children are so settled and are really working very hard.


The routine remains more-or-less as it was before the lockdown:


PE kits on Tuesday - to be worn all day.

Wednesday - Spelling test.  Homework should also be returned on this day.

Friday - Homework will be issued and a new list of words to learn for spelling test.


Our key question this term is: What if we ran out of water?

This enquiry question will form the basis of the work that we will cover in class.


Maths will mainly be focussed on decimals and fractions - a very important (but tricky!) area of maths.

English, we will begin looking at letters (formal and informal), and move onto more descriptive writing through poetry and narrative (story descriptions).

Our topic will be mainly geography - looking at the water cycle and rivers.  We will focus on local rivers and man-made waterways, tying this in with a look at how they were used locally in a history study.

In art, we will be looking at creating watery effects with paint through a study of the artist Monet.  And in DT we will be making a picture book with moving parts.

In science, we will begin with a look at forces before looking at how we classify living things towards the second half of term.

We will continue to learn some words in French and to speak and write some phrases with a summery theme - eg, sports.

PE too will be taught by the marvellous Mr Cooper with a focus of summer sports - cricket and rounders.


We have already had the first of our RE weeks, looking at the story behind Pentecost (which is on the 23rd May this year) and how the Christian Church began with the followers of Jesus on that amazing day.  The children learned so much about this special event, how it is celebrated, and why it is. important to Christians today.


I hope that the summer term brings us plenty of dry weather and sunshine so that we can be outside and perhaps even able to take the children out of school for a trip (or two!). Watch this space!


Looking forward to the term ahead! smiley

Home learning 8.1.21


Hopefully, you will have found today's learning on assignments and files over on Teams.  Remember, todays documents are in the folder 'class materials' within the files section.  That's because when the documents are in here, it makes them uneditable by the children, so you should always get a fresh copy when you open it (unlike yesterday!). The RE asks you to create a piece of art work, and the maths has a powerpoint with a voice over to watch, and then a worksheet to complete which is attached to the assignment.  I would like you to use the time today to catch up with any learning you may have missed or have not yet completed - eg RE or the maths fluency.  Please remember to practise your spelling words given this week, and also your times tables.  You also need to log into Mathletics or TTRockstars.  If you're feeling confident, then have a go at the MTC found here:


Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday on Teams - yay!

Mrs Ellison


Home Learning for Thursday 7.1.21


I am going to put today's learning on here today too, just in case we don't quite get everyone up and running on Teams!

RE power point and tasks - there are 2 different tasks here (all is explained on the power point itself)

MATHS FLUENCY - I've uploaded another 2 mental maths to see you through until the end of the week - but only for Hotter and Hottest levels (The Hot level had 4 pages so shouldn't need another upload yet!)

MATHS - I've created a power point with voice over - the first one I've ever done!  There is a separate powerpoint if needed with questions to print and answer (or just to refer to so you can answer the questions off the screen and onto another piece of paper or exercise book).

VIPERS - I've taken the same approach for comprehension texts and questions.  So if you are a Blue/Black book band reader, you should have a go at the Hottest, Grey book band should try the Hotter, and all other book bands should try the Hot reading task.  I hope that makes sense, but if not, take a look at the 3 texts and see which one is best for you.

Don't forget to practise your SPELLINGS and times tables too!

Have a great day - Mrs E (hopefully see you on Teams soon!)

Home Learning for Wednesday

Hello!  I hope you all had a good day today (Tuesday) and managed to complete the tasks ok.

I had hoped to tell you about the learning on our new learning platform tomorrow (Wednesday), but I think there has been a technical glitch which means we may not get to do our first meeting.  I am hopeful that we will still be able to meet for the afternoon slot, for which I had planned to read a story, but we will probably just make sure everyone has managed to get online ok and talk through what needs to be done etc.

Once you get on, you will see that I have put the same tasks as below in the files section - because hopefully after today, you will be able to access all your learning materials etc from there.  I am putting them here today just in case you don't get your log-ins during the morning.

Looking forward to seeing you all -albeit through the computer screen!  Have a lovely day and enjoy today's learning tasks.

Mrs Ellison


Maths fluency - second page (posted yesterday)

English - spelling: power point to explain the word list and a game to play, and another power point with a few different activities for you to choose.  Don't forget to practise those spelling words this week!  We will try to factor in a spelling test next week to see how you got on!

RE - see the powerpoint to explain the task: writing a kenning for the Trinity.  There is an assignment for this on Teams which you will see once you are able to log on!


Home Learning Again!


Good morning JC4.  How strange it seems to be back on Class Pages, talking to you here instead of in class like we were only yesterday!  I am gutted that the term has been cut short before it even began - we had a great day yesterday and it was so lovely to see you all after the Christmas break!


But here we are - and I am going to do my best to help you continue with your learning.  Today I am just putting up the tasks we would have done in class today (with a bit of tweaking!)  It would have been PE this morning, so I would definitely suggest that you do something active - look at Joe Wickes, or even go for a walk!


Here I will add on the RE - a lovely, creative task which I know most of you really enjoy, a bit of mixed maths fluency - pick your level (I've done it as the chilli challenge like we do in class - hot (Y3), hotter (Y4), hottest (Y5), choose your challenge!  The answers are there too, so you can mark them.  There are 2 sheets, so I would definitely do just one of them today, and save the other one for tomorrow! :-)


Finally, I promised you a new book yesterday.  We are going to use this one for English lessons for the next few weeks.  It's called 'The Lion and the Unicorn' by Shirley Hughes and it's a beautiful picture book.  Have a look at the front cover today and fill out one of our cover analysis sheets (you'll know what I mean when you see it!)


Have a lovely day, and I'll be in touch soon.  Stay safe everyone!

Mrs Ellison

Welcome back everyone!


I would just like to firstly, take the opportunity to say - WELCOME BACK! I am in such a privileged position to have my old class back from last year, along with some lovely, new faces!  After a week together in our 'newly arranged' classroom, it feels like we've never been away - old friends and new friends together, learning and having fun!



After working through a full week last week, we are beginning to get the hang of new routines, but of course, things may change as we move forward, just because everything is so new!


PE is Tuesday - please come to school wearing your PE kit.  You will wear it for the full day.


SPELLINGS will be given out on Tuesday also, and there will be a spelling test on Monday.  I will put the spellings onto the Class Pages also.  You will be able to print out a copy of the LSCWCh sheet if needed.


HOMEWORK - there will be a homework book given to the children with a weekly homework task on a Friday.  Please bring the book back to school for Wednesday so that we can mark the task together. 


Children have all been given Mathletics logins and can continue to access the TT Rockstars games and activities too.  It would be great if they could practise as often as possible.


The first homework task I gave last week as optional.  There is a board in class entitled 'Cities' and i would love it if the children could find out about a city, or write about a city that they themselves have visited - it could just simply be to bring in a postcard and to be able to talk a bit out their experiences.


Many thanks for your continued support in all we do for the children.


  • St James' & Ebrington C. of E. Primary School
  • Pear Tree Close, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire,
  • GL55 6DB
  • Ebrington Site
  • Hidcote Road, Ebrington,
  • Gloucestershire, GL55 6NQ
  • 01386 840634