Home Page

Year R

Update 5.1.21 @ 8.30pm...

Please see Tapestry for messages and Teams for learning and live lessons. Any problems accessing either of these please email the office.


Spring 2021 - Lockdown 3.0! 


Welcome to the JCR home learning page. Our weekly home learning will be uploaded on Teams to complete and submit via Tapestry. Please check Tapestry every day for challenges, messages and feedback. 


I will be using Teams to host live lessons (information about how to access this is on it's way) and I would love to see the whole class attend as many of these as possible. 


You can expect to be 'attending' 4 live phonics sessions per week, class 'circle' time where we will discuss various topics and our feelings, a story (may be pre-recorded or live) and Maths/English tasks several times a week. I am anticipating being in school one day a week to provide the keyworker care (this is Monday) and will set a Tapestry challenge for that day. 


Please encourage your child to make things, cards, junk models, Lego creations and to enjoy playing with thier Christmas presents. Don't expect to be 'teaching' your child 9am-3pm a short session 3 times a day will be more beneficial and remember playing dominos together, cooking and reading to them is still a lesson! 


Stay safe, see you all soon. 


Mrs Watson 


Hello JCR!

Below are some activities for you to complete today. If you don't have a printer these can be easily completed on paper. Beware! Before printing the 'writing words' activity: it is 27 pages and I DO NOT expect you to do more than 4-6 words! Pick a few to do. 


It would be really helpful if you could get the 'Phase 2 and 3 sound mat' page printed today (or ask a friend to print it) we use these a lot at school to help us recall our phonics when writing.  Keep this safe for re-use. It would also be helpful if you made a set of number cards 0-20 using card or paper, we'll be using these a lot. I've included a set below but feel free to make your own. 


Please go to Oxford Owl and register for a free account. There are hundreds of free eBooks at your child's level available here. When registered search for eBooks for 4-5 year olds. You almost all have some new books from school too.

Re-reading at least 3 times is best. 

1. Decoding the book to read the words

2. Understanding the story

3. More fluent reading


You all have a Mathletics logon on the front of your reading book. This is a great app/resource for practising maths skills. I can see who has completed tasks and there are certificates to be earned!


Have fun. 'See' you soon on Teams!

Mrs Watson

Plan for week 6.7.20

Hello home learners!


We are looking at the story of the Billy Goats Gruff this week. 


Have fun and get involved at home!


I look forward to seeing your pictures on Tapestry.


Mrs Watson

Plan for week 29.6.20

Hi home learners!

Have fun this week reading and watching 3 Little Pigs. We are going to be discussing different versions, acting out the story and labeling some pictures too. In maths we are consolidating our work on number to 20, looking at subtraction and number sentences. We will also be halving and and sharing out groups or objects fairly.

Don't forget to read every day and practise your phonics and tricky words. 

Stay safe,

Mrs Watson

Plan for week 22.6.20

Hope you are all well? Looks like another hot, sunny week to come.


This week we are looking at the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. There's a home learning pack attached for you and some phonics and maths ideas too. If you need a print out please ask. 


Mrs Watson

Plan for week 15.6,.20

Hello home learners!

We are learning about Little Red Riding Hood this week. Enjoy reading and watching different versions of the story - can you talk about how they are different/the same? I hope to see some pictures on Tapestry of what you've been up to. If you need anything printed out please email me, i can arrange for you to collect it from the school entrance foyer.


Mrs Watson

Plan for week 8.6.20

  • St James' & Ebrington C. of E. Primary School
  • Pear Tree Close, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire,
  • GL55 6DB
  • Ebrington Site
  • Hidcote Road, Ebrington,
  • Gloucestershire, GL55 6NQ
  • 01386 840634