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Home learning activities for Friday 18th February


1. To complete your own spelling test using our spelling words from this week. 

2. Mr Edward's has set you an English task linked to our Poem of the week, 'On the Ning Nang Nong' by Spike Milligan.

3. For Maths to continue to learn about 2D and 3D shapes. Have a look at the worksheet and then see what 2D and 3D shapes you have around you at home. 

4. Maths Fluency - Listen to and sing along to the days of the week 

5. As part of computing we have been using a paint program on a laptop at school. Your afternoon task is to see if you can use this style of program to draw a picture of your family. Think about the pencil, shape and fill tool to help you do this. 

6. I have also uploaded the link to the Seven Continents song that we have been singing and learning in school. This children (and myself) have loved doing this!

Autumn Term

Welcome back to school! It has been super to welcome you all into your new classroom and get to know you over the last few weeks. 

This term our big question is, 'How Am I special?' and we will be exploring this through all areas of the curriculum. 

In Geography we are thinking about our own locality and the geographical features of our area, we will be thinking and comparing our lives to Victorian children in History and in Science learning about our body parts and animals. Please see the class newsletter that was sent out previously for more information about this. 

JC1 Key Features Curriculum Overview



PE - Is on a Tuesday afternoon. Remember your PE needs to be in school at all times. Our PE focus this term is Fitness and Ball Skills, all sessions will be outside weather permitting. 



Spellings - You are going to get new spellings each week on a Monday. Your spellings will include words with the sounds we have been learning in phonics but also some tricky words. We will have spelling tests every Friday morning. Please practice your spellings however you choose at home - 'The Spelling Menu' below will hopefully help with some ideas for this. 


Reading - Reading books are now being changed once a week on a Friday. You will get two new reading books every week if they have been read. We are encouraging your child to do lots of reading at home and to read the same book three times to improve reading skills, expression and comprehension. Please write in your child's reading record book when you have read. 


Forest School - Is on a Thursday afternoon with Mrs Monkhouse. Your child will need to bring in their waterproofs every week and these will be sent home, unfortunately we haven't got storage space to keep them at school at the moment, if you forget we do have a selection of waterproofs in school. Forest school will happen throughout the year and in all types of weather. 

Value of the term

Our value for this term is Perseverance.

Our focus story is the 'Tortoise and The Hare'. 

We've explored this as never giving up, always trying our best and trying really hard at something. 

Please look out for the 'Perseverance Postcards' that have been sent home in the reading record books. Please fill them in when your child shows the value at home so we can celebrate these in our school worships.  


In Maths this term we are recapping place value skills as well as addition and subtraction to and within 20. 

We're are working really hard to become confident with numbers from 0 to 20. We have been counting forwards and backwards, grouping and identifying one more and one less. The children have really enjoyed our active and fun math lessons away from their table, outside and using concrete resources. 


We counted forwards and backwards using numbers on the playground, and have been representing objects in class by using counters and then ten frames. 


In English we are focusing on narrative writing and have been using the brilliant, 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell to help us do this. 

We have been predicting by drawing what we thought would happen next in the story, as well as sequencing and understanding that stories have to be in order. We have been text detectives and hunted for the key features in story ready to plan our own narratives using 'Owl Babies' for inspiration. 




This week we have been really creative by planning our own stories. We have all sorts of baby animals discovering that their mother was gone. 



Our science learning this term is 'Animals and Humans'. 

We had a super first lesson and decided to challenge ourselves to see if we could name 10 different parts of our bodies and label them on our giant diagram. 


We named lots of different parts and I was very impressed at the vocabulary and words that were being used. 


Can you guess what parts of our bodies we are pointing to in the photographs below?




In our Geography lessons we are learning about our own locality and where we live. Last week we learnt that we live in England, which is a country, and we go to school in Chipping Campden, which is a town in the county of Gloucestershire

We shared with our friends what we like and dislike about where we live. 


For our first RE week we thought about this question: 'What Do Christians Believe God is like?'. We shared our thoughts and opinions on what we believe God to be like and then drew pictures to support this.

We came up with some brilliant words to talk about God, including: 'spirit' 'magical' 'sunlight' 'special' and 'powerful'. 


We also learnt that Jesus told parables, stories with a special hidden meaning. That parable that we enjoyed learning was, 'The Lost Son'. 

2021 - 2022 Gallery

  • St James' & Ebrington C. of E. Primary School
  • Pear Tree Close, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire,
  • GL55 6DB
  • Ebrington Site
  • Hidcote Road, Ebrington,
  • Gloucestershire, GL55 6NQ
  • 01386 840634