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Please find below the lessons for remote learning on Friday 18th February 2022.  Please don't feel that you have to print off the lessons, the children can look at the screen and jot down their answers on a piece of paper!  We are learning about the 10 times table in maths so the work is relevant to this.  In science I have included a PowerPoint to watch then the children can practise their working scientifically skills by conducting an investigation about exercise!  In English the children can practise using verbs, these are action or doing words.


There is updated information about what JC2 have been learning on our new website which is coming soon!


Have a great half term!


Welcome to JC2!  We are a class of 18 Year 2 children and our teacher is Mrs Loram.  We are looking forward to a busy, fun-filled term where we will be trying to answer our key question 'Where would you rather live, England or Kenya?'  We will be answering this question through our broad and balanced curriculum.  Take a look below to see what this involves yes

JC2 Key Features Curriculum Overview

We have started off our new year by getting to know each other and building relationships in our class.  The children have learnt that we are like a jigsaw puzzle and if there are any issues or disagreements our jigsaw puzzle will begin to fall apart as we should 'all fit together.'


We have all made birthday cards for one another and when it is someone's birthday in the class they can choose a card from the birthday box!

JC2 have been learning about British Values, what are these?  British values include Rule of Law, Democracy, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of each other and other faiths and cultures.  We have put some of these into action by coming up with our own class rules together, reading Amazing Grace (where the main character Grace had individual liberty to be who she wanted to be) and Democracy by voting for our favourite name for our class worry monster.  You can meet him later!  Take a look at our class rules below. smiley

Our text for English and Vipers this term has been Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett.  We have learnt how to write a postcard and about character descriptions.  We have loved reading Meerkat Mail, especially trying to find the jackal hidden on each page! heart

We want to promote a love of reading in our school and we have a story at the end of each day.  So far we have read 'George's Marvellous Medicine' by Roald Dahl and we have just started 'The Enchanted Wood' by Enid Blyton. cool

If you couldn't make it to our Y1/Y2 Parent Workshop, here is the PowerPoint that was shared.  yes

Meet Fluffball, our class worry monster!  The children voted for their favourite name, using the British Value of Democracy.  If they have a worry, they can write it down making a tasty meal for the monster!  Fluffball can help them get rid of their worry.  Sometines it's just nice to have a cuddle with Fluffball.  Clippety and Barney Bear help with this too, they love cuddles! heart

The children have been extremely busy in Forest School this term.  They have been crushing elderberries and leaves to make a natural dye, a traditional African way of using pigment and hammering conkers to make shampoo.  Lots of our Christian Value of perseverance going on here! surprise

October is Black History Month and we have been learning about Rosa Parks.  We learnt some new vocabulary and what they mean, segregation, racism and boycott.  Rosa was an amazing woman who brought about great change in America in the 1950's.  Ask your child what she did.  angel

Thank you to those parents who contributed harvest gifts.  Our new Head Boy and Head Girl have distributed these to the local community.  The children thoroughly enjoyed performing their song 'Harvest Time is Here Again' for you at church and they did so well, they earned themselves a pom pom in the jar!  yes

This week has been poetry week in school, culminating in a poerty recital on Friday.  JC2 recited a poem called 'The Frog' by Hillaire Belloc.  We learned about adjectives, intonation, expression and new vocabulary.  The children put some actions to the poem to help them learn the words.  Again, they did so well, they earned themselves another pom pom in the jar!  smiley

Our new Christian value for Autumn 2 is 'Compassion'.  The children will be learning what this means and how this is seen in the Bible and how we can show this in our daily lives, at home and at school.  Look out for the Value Postcards which your child will be bringing home in the new term!  yes

The children have been busy this week learning about Creation in RE.  We have been looking at the 'Big Frieze', which is an artist's interpretation of the Bible, spanning from the Old Testament to the New Testament.  The artist has interpreted the creation story as a series of coloured paint pots, containing everything that God created in seven days.  The children know that Christians see creation as the start of the big story.

We have also been extremely busy in Forest School, creating 3D art with natural objects.  Take a look at the results.

Congratulations to Lily and Charlie, who have been chosen to be our class representatives for the School Council and Worship Team!  smiley

  • St James' & Ebrington C. of E. Primary School
  • Pear Tree Close, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire,
  • GL55 6DB
  • Ebrington Site
  • Hidcote Road, Ebrington,
  • Gloucestershire, GL55 6NQ
  • 01386 840634